Science-Policy-Interface (SPI) activity for the WG E; 14th March 2012


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Presentation transcript:

Science-Policy-Interface (SPI) activity for the WG E; 14th March 2012 Science-Policy-Interface (SPI): Research topics for presentation/ discussion at WG E meetings Robert Kase and Frédérique Martini contact: Science-Policy-Interface (SPI) activity for the WG E; 14th March 2012

Interest (please rank your preferred topic(s) 1 to 3) Topics for October WG E Selection of possible presentations for the WG E meeting October 2012 5 projects from UK, Luxembourg, JRC and Germany - please select up to three Number + Speaker Topic Interest (please rank your preferred topic(s) 1 to 3) 1) Georg Reifferscheid & H.-J. Pluta Importance of standardization for reliable screening methods, the detection of estrogenic potentials 2) Luc Zwank & Tom Bechet M3: Application of integrative modelling and monitoring approaches for river basin management evaluation Project approach and intermediary results 3) Paul Whitehouse Implementing biota standards - challenges and possible ways forward 4) Bernd Gawlik & Dieter Schudoma Need of a common effectdatabase for substance prioritization and EQS harmonization 5) Christiane Heiss & Joachim Heidemeier Bridging the gaps – How IED,WFD, REACH and national regulations should work together in the field of substances of very high concern like PHS, POPs and further substances of equivalent concern Seite 2 I Oekotoxzentrum | Eawag Please make your selection in the handout

Currently intended presentation topics for October WG E meeting: 1) Unfortunately Wilfried Sanchez (INERIS, FR) is not available at the 14th March, so. he is planned for the WG E October meeting with: Effect-based monitoring of endocrine disrupting chemicals including estrogens in French freshwater ecosystems : feed-back from monitoring activities and outlook 2) additionally: Matthias Liess (UFZ, GER) will present: SPEAR-Species at Risk, linking chemical pollution with ecological effects Seite 3 I Oekotoxzentrum | Eawag

Interest (please make your cross at your prefered topic) And what we intend today / results of the last selection from June 2011 Number + Speaker Topic Interest (please make your cross at your prefered topic) 1) B. Fribourg-Blanc & S. Midgley Fate of research projects. Methods to reduce redundancy and to save results.  8 participants (33%) 2) W.Sanchez & V. Dulio Effect-based monitoring of endocrine disrupting chemicals including estrogens in French freshwater ecosystems : feed-back from monitoring activities and outlook*  18 participants (75%) 3) M. Boehler & H. Siegrist The EU project Neptune: Final results and ongoing activities from Neptune / Options for waste water treatment  4 participants (17%) 4) M. Schärer & C. Abegglen A national project MicroPoll: Assessment of impacts and cost efficiencies of waste water related risk reduction strategies for Switzerland. 10 participants (42 %) 5) T. Ternes & A. Wick Follow up to the EU project Neptune: What do we know about environmentally relevant metabolites?  9 participants (38%) 6) G. Reifferscheid & H.-J. Pluta Importance of standardization for reliable screening methods, the detection of estrogenic potentials. postponed to October 2012 Seite 4 I Oekotoxzentrum | Eawag

Michael Schaerer (FOEN, CH) and focal point for the WG E: Time to begin So now: Michael Schaerer (FOEN, CH) and focal point for the WG E: Developing the Swiss strategy to reduce organic micropollutants with focus on waste water Seite 5 I Oekotoxzentrum | Eawag

Thank you for staying awake, your attention, and potential comments Last but not least Do you have any suggestions for a further improvement ? Do you have any questions ? If yes, please do not hesitate to contact us. contact: Source: Gerd Maack, SETAC 2010 Sevilla Thank you for staying awake, your attention, and potential comments Seite 6 I Oekotoxzentrum | Eawag