Unitary A form of govt. in which power is held by one central authority.
Confederation Voluntary association of independent states that have joined together to form a coalition for specific purposes, such as trade or common defense.
Federal (Federation) A form of government in which power is divided between one central and several regional authorities
Autocratic A form of government in which a single person possesses unlimited political power.
Absolute authority/power The leader of a country has complete rule
Monarch Dictator A king, queen, or emperor a person exercising absolute power, especially a ruler who has unrestricted control in a government without hereditary succession (without being a king or queen whose power was passed down from parents)
Oligarchic Government by a few; government in which a small group exercises control
Democracy government by the people; a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system.
Parliamentary Democracy Citizens vote for the legislature (law-making body) The legislature chooses the leader of the country – most often is the prime minister The prime minister usually comes from the majority party in the legislature The prime minister is the head of government; another position (king, queen, emperor, president) is the head of state (represent the country at ceremonies, etc.)
Presidential Democracy Citizens vote for the legislature (law-making body) Citizens also choose the president, who is both the head of government and head of state The president is from the executive branch, and it is separate from the legislature
TRADITIONAL SYSTEM People do things the way they have always been done. Hunters, gatherers are in this system
barter to trade by exchanging goods instead of using money.
COMMAND SYSTEM The government decides economic questions Allows very little economic freedom Government controls businesses, housing, etc.
MARKET SYSTEM Private businesses produce services and products that consumers will buy. Entrepreneurs begin new businesses Prices and profits determine economic questions. Businesses make products and provide services that earn a profit. This system has highest standard of living Examples: USA; Great Britain
Mixed Economy Economies that have some elements of a command system (some government control) and some elements of a market system (some private businesses)
Continuum Scale that shows command economy on one end and market economy on the other; used to show that countries usually have a mixed economy; they are somewhere in between the two extremes
100 Economic Systems United Kingdom 79% Germany 71% Russia 51% Pure 6th Grade- This information is meant to be used in conjunction with the 6th and 7th grade Teacher Notes. For additional resources, go to GeorgiaStandards.org. (Note: This is not an expectation for students to memorize numbers, but to understand that factors that influence specific countries to move more towards a command or market economy). The numbering system is based on The Heritage Foundation’s Economic Freedom Index 2009 The Heritage Foundation is a conservative organization that has partnered with the Wall Street Journal for over a decade to evaluate each country based on a set of 10 criteria to determine economic freedom. Update information using resources listed in the Teacher Notes. 100 Pure Command Pure Market Mixed Economy
Capital goods machines and tools used in the production of other goods
Human capital the abilities and skills of individuals, that increase their potential income earning Investment in human capital would include education and training
Natural resources Resources that occur naturally in the environment help a country because the country can use the resources to produce goods
Entrepreneur Person who invests money, time, and energy to start a new business Often take a risk
Trade Barrier - Embargo Embargo – ban or severely restrict trade; often used as economic sanction to pressure a country to do what other countries want them to do
Trade barrier - Quota Quota: Limit on the amount of an imported good allowed into the country during a given period of time Reduces the amount of imported goods available Supply is decreased; price is increased Raises the price of the good for the consumer
TRADE BARRIER - Tariff Tariff – Tax on imported goods or services Sometimes used to raise revenue (money) for the country Mostly used to increase the price of the imported good Why? So more people will buy domestic goods (goods made within a country)
Tariff A tax placed on imported goods Tariff = tax
Embargo A ban on imported goods embargo = ban
Quota A limit on the quantity (number) of imported goods quota = quantity
products a country buys from other countries IMPORTS products a country buys from other countries United States
products sold to other countries Exports products sold to other countries United States
Gross domestic product GDP Value of all goods and services produced within a country in one year
Ways Government Distributes Power Unitary Ways Government Distributes Power Regional Authority Regional Authority Central Authority Regional Authority Regional Authority
Ways Government Distributes Power Confederation Ways Government Distributes Power Regional Authority Regional Authority Central Authority Regional Authority Regional Authority
Ways Government Distributes Power Federation / Federal Ways Government Distributes Power Regional Authority Regional Authority Central Authority Regional Authority Regional Authority
Citizen Participation How do autocratic, oligarchic, and democratic governments determine citizen participation? Autocratic – NO participation from the people Oligarchic – Limited participation from the people (selective) Democracy – FULL participation
Why did the Europeans Go Exploring? The 3 G’s… GOLD New trade routes opened up opportunities for wealth Spice trade brought wealth as well GOD Missionaries spread Christianity GLORY Explorers were considered heroes; countries competed for colonies
Prince Henry the Navigator Son of the Portuguese king Sent more than 50 expeditions down the west coast of Africa -Wanted to establish Portuguese colonies & break the Muslim hold on trade routes Created a naval observatory (school) that taught students navigation, astronomy, & cartography
Major Countries of Europe Russia Ukraine Spain France Poland Germany United Kingdom Italy Belgium Portugal
Physical Features of Europe Scandinavian Peninsula Danube River Alp Mountains Pyrenees Mountains Iberian Peninsula English Channel European Plain Ural Mountains Mediterranean Sea Atlantic Ocean
Danube River
English Channel
Mediterranean Sea
The Pyrenees
Rhine River
European Plain
The Alps
Ural Mountains
Scandinavian Peninsula
United Kingdom
Iberian Peninsula