Old nomenclature for Type 2 Transition metals were once named without using Roman numerals. Instead used suffixes to represent charges. Not specific enough!! Old professors in college still like to use and still see in many chemistry books, etc. Root word, then –ic or –ous suffixes. –ic used for larger charge; –ous used for smaller charge.
Fe3+ Iron (III) Fe2+ Iron (II) Cu2+ Copper (II) Cu+ Copper (I) Sn4+ Tin (IV) Sn2+ Tin (II) Hg2+ Mercury (II) Hg2+ Mercury (I) Pb4+ Lead (IV) Pb2+ Lead (II) Ferric Ferrous Cupric Cuprous Stannic Stannous Mercuric Mercurous Plumbic Plumbous
Co3+ Cobalt (III) Cobaltic Co2+ Cobalt (II) Cobaltous Cr3+ Chromium (III) Chromic Cr2+ Chromium (II) Chromous Mn3+ Manganese (III) Manganic Mn2+ Manganese (II) Manganous Au3+ Gold (III) Auric Au2+ Gold (II) Aurous