DDMM: Encouraging students to be Curious, Confident and Inspired through the delivery of a diverse curriculum.
Implementation 5 year curriculum plans are in place, exploring a variety of skills (performance/presenting, composition/devising and analysis/appreciation). Interleaving is essential to encourage progress over time. All 4 subjects are practical and experimental, resulting in outcomes often being very objective. DDMM nurture creative and aesthetic talents, developing skills and techniques relevant across all 4 subjects (Performing/Presenting, Creating and Analysing). Evaluating and appreciating are skills used to enhance enjoyment alongside developing knowledge and understanding. DDMM provide opportunities to enrich understanding of performance work through live theatre and workshop experiences.
Curiosity SOW: KS3 – Exploration of skills: self evaluation/reflection, progress. Cultural influences – style, context, genre. KS4 – Devising/Composing/Choreography: research, exploration, creating. Performance/Presentation: stylistic features, context, genre. Analysis/Appreciation: self evaluation, reflection, progress. Independent learning heavily incorporated into sow, facilitates self discipline whilst allowing students to be unique. Cross curricular links add intrigue. Varying stimuli used in sow eg Guernica by Picasso (Art/History). Blood Brothers (English). Cultural experience through exploration of styles, genres and techniques. Workshops, visiting artists and live theatre performances (internal and external) encourage curiosity and aspiration.
Confidence Interleaving within SOW empowers students as the academic year progresses, not only enhancing their knowledge and understanding but how to implement ideas with confidence. Regularly performing/presenting to staff and peers, establishing a purposeful working atmosphere allowing students to be confident in their decision making and when stating their opinions. Respect within the classroom (Staff>Student, Student>Staff and Student>Student). Trust and Humility – Enabling students to recognise and accept strengths and areas of development from peers/staff.
Inspiration Workshops and visiting artists. Live Theatre experiences (Internal and External). Internal performances (KS4>KS3, KS5>KS4). Drama Leaders supporting KS3/Explorers. Extra curricular classes. Academy Musical.
DDMM Curriculum Intent Allowing students to be curious, building confidence, resulting in inspired ideas, creating positive outcomes.