Practice Are you Maria? No, I am not. I am Àngela. Are you Àngela? Yes, I am. Is she Antònia? Yes, she is. Is he Pere? No, he is not. YOUR TURN! :)
Countries and nationalities: I am from... / I am... COUNTRY NATIONALITY Brazil Brazilian China Chinese England English France French Germany German Italy Italian Japan Japanese Portugal Portuguese Russia Russian Spain Spanish The USA American
Extra practice Queen Elizabeth II / Portugal? (England) (English) Madonna and Bob Dylan / Spain? (The USA) (American) Paulo Cohelo / Italy? (Brazil) (Brazilian)
YOUR TURN! Think about a famous person. Write the name and a country. Put the paper in the bag. Take a paper. Ask your classmates.
YOUR TURN! How old are you? I am 28 years old. (What is your telephone number?) (My telephone number is 971.34.50.73)
LET'S PLAY! Hangman Do you remember the alphabet? And the colours? _ R _ _ G E
PREPOSITIONS OF PLACE Let's practise! Example: Maria is next to Aina The notebook is in the bag