How Do Elite Athletes Rest? ***Important: Athletes will have 11 months of gradually ramping up their level of activity, so take full advantage of the rest period.*** (cont’d)
How Do Elite Athletes Rest? It is required that athletes take the full 30 days to actively rest and recover from the rigors of the season. For the elite athlete, the rest phase should be at least 30 days but no longer than 45 days. Longer than 45 days, the athlete can begin to decondition, which can also increase the possibility of injury moving into the rejuvenation/training phase. (cont’d)
How Do Elite Athletes Rest? During the rest phase the athlete is FORBIDDEN from participating in his or her sport at anything even resembling a moderately competitive level. This is a time to heal, and for many coaches and parents, it is difficult to resist the temptation to train their athletes in some capacity. (cont’d)
How Do Elite Athletes Rest? The research is consistent; athletes who don’t give their bodies a chance to heal properly greatly increase the probability of injury in the upcoming season. This is the perfect time to take a vacation, sleep late, take long naps, eat the foods not able to be eaten during the season, and generally spend time letting the brain, body, and spirit recover from the demands of a competitive season.