Insert Skill Perform Insert simple and clear instructions or cues


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Presentation transcript:

Insert Skill Perform Insert simple and clear instructions or cues Insert Pictures Easier Variation: Harder Variation: Challenge:

Insert Skill Perform Insert simple and clear instructions or cues Pictures Easier Variation: Harder Variation: Challenge:

Insert Skill Perform Insert simple and clear instructions or cues Insert Pictures Easier Variation: Harder Variation: Challenge:

Insert Skill Perform Insert simple and clear instructions or cues Insert Pictures Easier Variation: Harder Variation: Challenge:

Insert Skill Perform Insert simple and clear instructions or cues Insert Picture Easier Variation: Harder Variation: Challenge:

Insert Skill Perform Insert simple and clear instructions or cues Insert Pictures Easier Variation: Harder Variation: Challenge:

Insert Skill Perform Insert simple and clear instructions or cues Insert Pictures Easier Variation: Harder Variation: Challenge:

Insert Skill Perform Insert simple and clear instructions or cues Insert Pictures Easier Variation: Harder Variation: Challenge: