Hand and Finger Injuries In Well Engineering we have a high percentage of lost time incidents where people injure their hands / fingers 2003 ?? Out of ?? ? % 2002 18 out of 26 LTI 69% 2001 11 out of 19 LTI 58% 2000 7 out of 16 LTI 44% WARNING: The number of serious Hand and Finger injuries is increasing – THIS MUST STOP
What can we do to STOP these incidents?
USE THE TOOLS FOR THE JOB ! Positions of people HAZARDS Caught between objects Use STOP Observation, TOOLBOX TALK & Haz-ID this is what they are for !
USE THE TOOLS FOR THE JOB ! Plan and Procedure HAZARDS Tools and Equipment Not used properly Use STOP Observation, TOOLBOX TALK & Haz-ID this is what they are for !
USE THE TOOLS FOR THE JOB ! HAZARDS Positions of people Caught between objects Use STOP Observation, TOOLBOX TALK & Haz-ID this is what they are for !
USE THE TOOLS FOR THE JOB ! HAZARDS Positions of people Caught between objects Procedure not followed Use STOP Observation, TOOLBOX TALK & Haz-ID this is what they are for !
ACTIVATORS BEHAVIOUR CONSEQUENCES THINK CONSEQUENCES ! ACTIVATORS BEHAVIOUR CONSEQUENCES What lead to these behaviours ? Rushing the job ? Right tools for the job not available ? Procedure not in place ? No Toolbox Talk ? Inexperienced crew ?
INCREASE AWARENESS How can we increase our awareness of hand and fingers injuries ? Always talk about hand and finger injury HAZARDS in your Tool box talks ! Always THINK or ASK about where you should put your hands ! Always look to see were others put there hands !
HAZARD IDENTIFICATION How can you Identify Risks to Hands and Fingers on your location ? Remember: This could stop you or a friend suffering !
EXPOSURE REDUCTION How can you reduce the exposure of your Hands & Fingers in the jobs you do ?
Hand and Finger Injuries What can YOU do to stop these incidents? Before starting a job: identify the hazards discussed the hazards in the Tool Box Talk (TBT) identify the correct way to do the job (procedures) always follow the rules / procedures Use the STOP principles to identify - Unsafe Conditions & At Risk Behaviours STOP if you think the work is unsafe...?
What can YOU do to stop these incidents? If there is a change to the planned job or if things are not going according to plan. STOP If you see someone doing something wrong.
In the battle between Steel and Flesh Flesh has NEVER won! Look after yourself Look after the people around you