Question 5.


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Presentation transcript:

Question 5

Part A- Marketing tools My target audience for 'The Follower' is 15 to 30 year olds which means to reach them we would need to use social media and word of mouth to reach our audience as it is more likely to get a response that way rather than using newspapers.

How to best reach my audience Push advertising would be the main way to reach our audience. Social media is the the best way to reach my audience as is cheap, fast and easy. People will see the trailers and are able to share to their friends for free which will spread our film. Another reason for using social media is that is 15-30 year olds are most commonly be able to use it. Over half the population of people under 30 use facebook each day which is why it is our film is easy to use of social media.

How to attract my audience My film is independent so does not have any know actors involved which might attract an audience as the want to know how well them actor do and whether they would want to see them again. It will also attract people who enjoy watching thrillers as they enjoy the thrill and seeing as our film is a thriller they maybe interested and as well as that if they enjoy it they might review it online of recommend it to friends.

Part B- Audience feedback Our group let people from our target audience to watch our opening title sequence and give feedback of what the like and what they thought about it.

Genre Everyone who watched the opening title sequence said that they thought it was conventional to the Thriller genre and that it was very typical to a thrill with where it was set and different aspects in the sequence but also made unique to many other opening title sequences that they had seen.

Mise- en- scene The audience really responded well to the mise-en-scene in the opening title sequence and thought it went well with the genre. They thought that the ordinary clothes on ordinary people was typical of the thriller genre and the colours worked well with the theme. The letter used was thought to be 'mysterious' and 'creepy' which was the effect we were going for. The main response was to the fake blood used. Many people thought it was 'cool' and 'made it feel eerie' and 'created tension'.

Technical Aspects The audience thought that our opening title sequence was effective and full of technical aspects. Many people enjoyed the sudden change in music once I had shouted “Emily” and found that it gave the opening title sequence a rush and thrill and built the end of the sequence up well. The Flashback also got a lot of good feedback as people comment that the giggles were 'innocent victims' and 'creepy'. They also liked the fact that it was a dull colour so made more sense for it being a flashback. They also really enjoyed the transition between the house and field and how the letter matched up pretty well. They thought it was good that it was 'quick' and 'effective'