By: Thirana Sisavath and Tyler Purcell The Great Depression By: Thirana Sisavath and Tyler Purcell
What was the great depression? The Great Depression was a period of worldwide economic depression that lasted from 1929 until approximately 1939.The starting point of the Great Depression is usually listed as October 29, 1929, commonly called Black Tuesday.
How was the great depression started? The Great depression began in 1929 was hard on almost everyone. Much of the farmer land in Alabama was in poor condition because farmers planted the same crops year after year without rotation them.
What cause the great depression? The Federal Reserve System, which Congress established in 1913, is the nation's central bank, authorized to issue the Federal Reserve notes that create our paper money supply. The United States entered World War I late (1917) and emerged as a major creditor and financier of post-War restoration. Germany was burdened with massive war reparations
Who was president?