Quick Breads Larisa Mendenhall larisa.mendenhall@gmail.com
Examples Quick Breads
Non-Examples Non-Quick Breads
Examples Non-Examples Hypotheses Have students discuss with a partner the attributes of examples of quick breads, and non examples. What differences do they notice from the pictures? How are they made? How are they eaten? What do they feel like? What do they look like? . Hypotheses What are the differences between quick breads and non-quick breads?
Examples Non-Examples Test It…. Students answers may vary, from the meal you eat it at, to the shape, etc. However move students to a direction that involves time, preparation, ingredients, etc Test It…. What are the differences between quick breads and non-quick breads?
Quick Breads Define What is a quick bread? Have students share with a partner their definition of what a quick bread is. Have several students share with the class. Define What is a quick bread?
Butter Milk Biscuits Check It.. Is this a quick bread? As you continue through the slides have students share with a partner whether they think the example is a quick bread, and why. Have several students share with the class. Check It.. Is this a quick bread?
Dinner Rolls Check It.. Is this a quick bread?
Toast Check It.. Is this a quick bread?
Muffins Check It.. Is this a quick bread?
Pancakes Check It.. Is this a quick bread?
Quick to make because they don’t need time to ferment as with yeast products. They are leavened by chemical leaveners and steam, not by yeast. They create little gluten development. Tenderness is the desired quality (instead of chewy quick breads) Even though mixes, such as muffin mixes, are available these products are easy to make from scratch. Definition Made by chemical leaveners and steam, not by yeast. Quick to make.
Biscuit Method Soft Dough Cut-in fat Lightly kneaded Flakiness Soft doughs are used for biscuits. They are rolled out and cut into desired shapes. Mixed with the biscuit method. Very similar to making a pie crust. Dry ingredients are first mixed together. Fat is then cut into the flour. It should resemble course cornmeal when finished. This allows for flakiness as the fat melts. Liquid is then added. Mix just until combined and soft dough is formed. Lightly knead- press out and fold in half. Rotate 90 degrees after each fold. Do this 10-20 times. Roll out and cut. Soft Dough Cut-in fat Lightly kneaded Flakiness Biscuit Method
Muffin Method used for muffins, pancakes, waffles, & quick-loaf breads Used for muffins, pancakes, waffles, quick loaf breads, and coffee cakes. Dry ingredients are first mixed. Liquid ingredients are then added (including melted fat or oil). The mixture is mixed just until the flour is moistened. The batter will look lumpy but do not over mix. Place in pan and bake immediately. If you let is sit the batter will not rise as much. Lumpy Batter liquid fat Lightly mixed Muffin Method used for muffins, pancakes, waffles, & quick-loaf breads