Gasoline and its Effect on Coral Bleaching An Experiment by: Jimmy Wesman Nauman Chandry Joon Chung Heather Hollembeak Sebastian Camacho Will Quartell
Experimental Objectives Determine Gasoline’s Effect on Coral Bleaching Determine Gasoline’s Effect on the growth of Coral in a tropical environment
Foundation for Experiment Oil spills in the past have harmed wild-life tremendously Anthropogenic Factors Examples of gross human negligence
The Exxon Valdez March 24, 1989 Oil Spill in Alaska Bligh Reef, Prince William Sound 30 million U.S. Gallons leaked from container Exxon’s cleanup cost
The Amoco Haven April 11, 1991 Explosion of ship on Mediterranean Coast One Million Barrels of Oil Burned or Dumped into Sea Genoa, Italy and Marseilles, France are polluted Waters are deemed uninhabitable until 2003
Comparison of Oil Usage
What Exactly Happens? Outside stressors cause zooxanthallae to fall off Zooxanthallae are responsible for coral’s symbiotic relationship Oil coating a portion of the ocean prevents light from reaching the organism Oil seepage enters coral poisoning it Hydrocarbons are dangerous to most organisms
Hypothesis Due to oil acting as an anthropogenic factor, zooxanthallae will die off and coral bleaching will occur. This will result in withering and ultimately, death.
Procedures Why use 87 octane? Crude oil Different types Levels of Refining Less additives Regular Grade (87 octane) gasoline will be poured at a specific concentration TBD Growth/Death rate will be recorded Cell counts will be done after each observation Analyze Results Draw conclusions based on growth/death rates of Coral in tank