The Motion of NASCAR. The Talladega Motor Speedway 2.66 Miles round trip.


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Presentation transcript:

The Motion of NASCAR

The Talladega Motor Speedway 2.66 Miles round trip

The Talladega Motor Speedway Data Collection 2.66 Miles = 4256 m 1 mile = 1600 m Average time for a single lap is 53.5 seconds (data from Talladega race February 2011) Average Velocity 4256 m = 79.6 m/s 53.5 s

How do we achieve this speed and still keep the car on the track? Average Velocity 4256 m = 79.6 m/s 53.5 s

What Force is needed to make an object travel in the path of a circle? Centripetal Force

So in order for a race car to go around the track something must provide the centripetal force… Friction!

Force of Friction = 1550 (79.6) 2 = N We have a problem! N = 2960 kg Our car only has a mass of 1550 kg

How do we fix the problem? N = 2960 kg Our car only has a mass of 1550 kg Bank the track!

Talladegas Curves are banked at 33 degrees

The more banking, the less centripetal force is needed…. the faster it can go!