Distribution of the paediatricians who prescribed amoxicillin alone at the index prescription to at least 50% of their patients included in the study (A indicator) and of the percentage of paediatricians that prescribed exclusively non-penicillin antibiotics in different infection episodes to more than 10% of their patients included in the study (B indicator). Distribution of the paediatricians who prescribed amoxicillin alone at the index prescription to at least 50% of their patients included in the study (A indicator) and of the percentage of paediatricians that prescribed exclusively non-penicillin antibiotics in different infection episodes to more than 10% of their patients included in the study (B indicator). Spatial cluster analysis of the distribution of the indicators by ASST. Daniele Piovani et al. bmjpo 2017;1:e000169 © Article author(s) (or their employer(s) unless otherwise stated in the text of the article) 2017. All rights reserved. No commercial use is permitted unless otherwise expressly granted.