Binary keyboard challenge To know that binary values can represent numbers, letters of the alphabet and other characters
Binary keyboard challenge Challenge pupils to identify keys on the plank keyboard. Ask them which keys would take priority when listing then and deciding where to start at number one (letters or numbers etc) Can you identify where certain characters should go on this keyboard?
Binary keyboard challenge Your challenge: To use binary code to store characters for a keyboard Using amounts up to the value of a byte, create code to store each character on your sheet. Explain your reasoning and give examples of how it works in other cases (you may wish to use the support sheet) Keep record of your code and change your pattern if you find it doesn’t work Introduce the task asking pupils to work as hard as they can without asking for help. Reinforce computational thinking skills The use of abstraction will depend on the characters they are given. Should they focus on the letters or numbers or punctuation etc. Ask pupils how many characters could be used on one key. How is the code recorded for cases such as these? Computational thinking skills Abstraction - ignoring the information that isn’t needed Decomposition - Breaking down into smaller parts that are easy to deal with Pattern recognition - Finding patterns in decomposed parts
Binary counting challenge What is ASCII? How did you decide on your choices?