ENG 1D1 Friday February 27th
Today’s Agenda Grammar Peer Editing Read “Priscilla and the Wimps” Plot Graph Group Activity
Peer Editing Each of you are going to be put into editing trios. This means each of you will have your paragraph edited twice.
Peer Editing Instructions Read through your partner’s paragraph. Make corrections on the paragraph. Complete the checklist. Leave some constructive feedback. -what did he/she do well -how might he/she improve
Editing Trios
Getting Ready to Read Have you ever bullied someone? Have you ever been bullied? How did it feel to be the bully and/or the victim?
Read “Priscilla and the Wimps” Read the short story to yourself. Keep the plot points in mind while you read.
“Priscilla and the Wimps” Group Activity Working with 3 other students, create a plot graph for the story. Draw the plot graph. Label each section. Record what happens during each point in the plot graph.