Record the following notes on the Right Side of your notebook Fighting Terrorism: Among all the challenges facing the U.S. in the post-Cold War era, one of the most critical is fighting terrorism. Groups emerged to carry out terrorist acts in previously unaffected parts of the world, including the U.S. A wave of terrorist attacks took place during Clinton’s presidency: 1993 bombing of World Trade Center in NYC, 1998 bombing of US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, 2000 attack of USS Cole, a Navy destroyer off of the coast of Yemen. September 11, 2001 (George W Bush’s first year in office) Terrorists hijacked four planes: two slammed into Twin Towers of NY’s World Trade Center causing both towers to collapse, the third hit the Pentagon just outside of Wash DC, the fourth plane crashed in a Pennsylvania field after passengers fought with the hijackers.
Right Side Continued Aftermath of 9/11 al Qaeda War on terrorism an international terrorist network leader was Osama bin Laden, a wealthy Saudi Arabia and Muslim extremist who sought to rid Muslim countries of Western influence and to establish fundamentalist Islamic rule Bin Laden ran al Qaeda from Afghanistan, but al Qaeda groups operated all over the world War on terrorism Waged not only against terrorists but also against any governments that sponsored them Taliban – was targeted in Afghanistan because they wouldn’t turn over Bin Laden to US. Iraq – take out Saddam Hussein and weapons of mass destruction (although no proof of WMD)
Left Side: How can we balance such ideals as equality and liberty with our desire for security? Directions: 1.Create your chart using the whole left side (see next slide) 2. Read the section starting on page 788. Summarize the debate. 3. Then examine the placards and read the accompanying captions and quotations. Write the letter of the placard that relates to the ideal (there may be more than one) and a short description of how it relates.
Create the following chart using the entire left side page. Textbook section Summary of Section Placard (s) that relates to ideal and WHY Safeguarding Equality 60.3 Preserving Opportunity 60.4 Securing Liberty 60.5 Protecting Rights 60.6 Defending Democracy 60.7