Lighting for smart home
Light bulb Heating the wolframfilam ent with current so much it starts to glow. Light bulbs lifetime is about h.
Light bulb types Standard light bulbs Target bulbs Mirror bulbs Tremor reinforce bulbs Long lasting bulbs Neodymium bulbs Small bulbs
Compact fluorescent lamps Fluorescent lamps for light to produce low-pressure mercurygas in the eruption. gas discharge stimulates the mercury-atoms emit ultraviolet rays(and heat). Ultraviolet radiation is invisible light bulb and the inner wall of brilliance layer of a substance to change its visible light.
Compact fluorescent lamp types Reflector lamps Low temperature lamps High frequency lamps Bacterium block lamps Solariumlamps Plantlamps Colored lamps
Fluorescent lamps Same principle as compact fluorescent lamp.
Halogen lamps Halogen lamps produce light to the light bulb, the tungsten filament yarn, but the gas-filling halogen atoms cause the rotation process, the bulb inside, which returns to filament yarn evaporated tungsten atoms back to the filament yarns
Halogen lamp types Compact halogen lamps Halogen lamps Coldray halogen lamps
LED-Lamps LED-lamps last 50 times incandescents. A weakness of LED solutions is their high cost.
Energy saving lamps Same principle as compact fluorescent lamps, they are just smaller.
Lighting ideology Lightings main factors are A higher power light increases the contrast
Lighting ideology The contrast is required to reach multiple light sources. The light tone of the color affects mood.