Video Conferencing - An Emerging Technology Erica Maddux Professor Joni Flowers EDU 214
Uses in the classroom Provides Networking Opportunities for Teachers This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC Extends Learning Opportunities For Students Provides a platform for isolated learners to engage with their teacher, the curriculum, and classmates Students have another stage to practice social interactions The gap is bridged with audio and video transmissions for distant learners. Provides Networking Opportunities for Teachers Teachers can have conferences without leaving their classes Teachers can extend their classroom to online students Teachers are more equipped to meeting with other educators in their field. This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC
Pros and Cons Pros Students have opportunities for social interaction and classroom integration. Students and teachers have unlimited networking possibilities Great use for communication at a convenience Important meetings and conferences can be virtually attended punctually. Cons The Internet and/or telephone line, audio system such as speakers and microphone must be available for use of the equipment Video Conferencing does not replace the tangible face-to-face interactions Technical difficulties could be an obstacle Pixilation, audio delays, and echoing
Video Conferencing Q8-5vr-cSv0 This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA
Conclusion Video Conferencing is an emerging technology in the classroom that allows students and teachers to network around their immediate surrounding, attend meetings and conferences at a convenience, and experience and facilitate opportunities for feedback and social experiences.
Credits Articles Horton, Jennifer. “How Classroom Video Conferencing Works.” HowStuffWorks, HowStuffWorks, 28 May 2008, Erica Maddux Raths, David. “Collaborative Technologies: Three Ways Web Conferencing Is Transforming PD.” T.H.E. Journal, vol. 40, no. 6, 2013, pp. 21–24.- Erica Maddux “Technology in the Classroom: Ways to Use Video Conferencing.” TeachHUB, Teachers Alliance, 2018, Erica Maddux “Virtual Learning Network.” Web Conferencing in Education : Virtual Learning Network, Free Web Tools, Feb. 2012, Erica Maddux Video/ Images