The Rosin Family
Neiman River Yurberik Kybart Western Lithuania
Origin of the Rosin Family (or…how we are all related)
Origins of the Rosin Family (cont.,)
Ber Dov Rosin Family
Bertzik Rosin Son of Elka Rosin Grandfather of Joseph Rosin Great-grandfather of Fania Hilelson Jivotovsky
MEMOIRS by Joseph Rosin Haifa, October 1989 English Edition, October 1994 (Joseph is the son of Yehuda Leib, who is the son of Bertzik)
Joseph and Penina Rosin - Haifa, 1997
Chapters in my Life by Penina Rosin-Cypkewitz Translated from Hebrew and some supplements Haifa, July 1997