The ‘PRIDEMAGAZINE.COM’ hyperlink features above the masthead as a web address which highlights the magazine’s modern appeal and for readers to access for additional content or an online version of the magazine. It shows that there are multiple methods of accessing magazine content. The strapline ‘Celebrating 26 years at the top!’ features on the top left above the masthead. This reinforces the magazine’s long-term success as a leading representative for Black British women. Readers are reassured by the magazine’s proven track record, which makes it more appealing. EXAMPLE ANSWER The PRIDE masthead is positioned at the top of the page, written in turquoise uppercase text. The masthead suggests that the magazine has a sense of confidence in its identity. The effect on the reader is identification and inclusion, particular for the magazine’s target audience: Black British women. The dateline ‘November 2017’ shows that this is a recent issue and the ‘£3’ priceline also illustrates that this is an affordable magazine for its target audience. ‘The Cost of Standing Up To Racism’ coverline in blue uppercase font represents one of the magazine’s key values: pride in racial identity and rebuking racism. The effect on the reader is to challenge them to respond actively to a major issue in society. ‘Confessions of a Black Actress’ coverline reinforces the magazines two main themes: racial and gender identity. The audience will enjoy the personal nature of these articles, highlighted by the term ‘Confessions’. The direct address black and white photography anchoring image of Naomi Campbell features her looking over her shoulder wearing a fur coat with her hair pulled back shows a confident Black British celebrity (fashion model) who acts as a role model for the target audience. PRIDE intend to celebrate Campbell’s success and show her as an example of what readers can also achieve. The ‘101 ways to Stand Up and Be Heard’ coverline emphasises a key idea for the magazine: pride, self-esteem, confidence and courage. The quantity of ideas will appeal to readers who can appreciate the amount of options they have to make an impact. The coverline ‘How healthy is your makeup bag?’. shows that the magazine wishes to cater for fashion and beauty enthusiasts and encourage further consumerism. It challenges readers to self-evaluate. The coverline: ‘Hair: Liven up your winter with colour’ (which is written in white and orange cursive font) highlights the magazine’s interest in fashion and beauty. It shows that PRIDE realises that its target audience are interested in hairstyles, and provides them with ideas in order to encourage diverse creativity with fashion. The main coverline ‘Naomi speaks out’ is written in gold cursive font and shows that the magazine wants to give the fashion icon a platform to share what matters to her. It encourages readers to find platforms themselves as Naomi and the magazine clearly want to empower other black British women. The bar code features on the bottom right of the page. This shows that this version of the magazine is the print edition. This magazine has a readership of 250,000 every year which shows it is popular. Extended analysis: C&C design, the magazine’s ideology, the overall aesthetic, social/historical context of the magazine, the impact of its representations, industry information. The sub-heading ‘on diversity, acting and being herself’ highlights how the magazine is interested in the star’s response to her racial identity, what it is like to be a celebrity and how to remain authentic in such a competitive world. The reader will appreciate the down-to-earth approach of the magazine which hopes to reveal the real Naomi behind the media persona.