BICAMERAL? The Roman senate is very well known. They were also referred to as patres, and were all of the highest social order. There was also the Concilium Plebis or the council of the people. This was not necessarily the same as a bicameral parliament, but it is the origin of it (cf. Great Britain).
TWO CONSULS (CONSULES) REPLACED THE KING They held office for one year and had equal power. They held less sovereignty than the king but a lot nevertheless (especially if they work together). They have authority over the military, some punitive measures, and delegation of punitive measures.
CENSORS (CENSORES) These men were elected every five years from among the ex-consuls. They held office for 18 months. They conducted the census as can be seen by the name. They oversaw the dispersion of state funds. They held authority over public morality (censorship).
PRAETORS (PRAETORES) These officials performed a number of different duties over time. These include military leadership, judiciary power, governorship in the provinces. According to Cicero, Praetoria Potestas was first held by the Consuls. According to Livy, Praetorship was first established to relieve Consuls of judiciary duties. Each of the praetores were assigned their respective courts by drawing straws.
QUAESTORS (QUAESTORES) They were financial officers that oversaw the treasury and could work under any number of other officials. They could be elected from the Patricians or Plebians, and election could guarantee entrance into the senate. Quaestor is connected to the verb quaero, meaning to seek or gain, and quaestus, meaning gain or profit.
AEDILES (AEDILES) They often dealt with matters involving financial disputes or other judiciary matters. They also were in charge of city management (building maintenance and city ordinances) and the holding of public festivals and games. They were also a connection between the classes as half were from the Patricians and half were from the Plebians. Derived from aes, aedis.
TRIBUNES (TRIBUNI) The name derives from tribus or tribe. There were 10 of them all elected from the common people, the plebs. Patricians were barred from the Tribunate. They had veto power over any legislation, could call senate meetings, and propose laws. They only had authority at Rome. There were periods in which there were no Consuls, but only Tribunes with consular authority. Roman emperors as members of the upper class could not be called tribunes, but they did all assume tribunal authority.
CURSUS HONORUM Military Service (military tribune) Quaestor Aedile Praetor Consul
DICTATOR/MAGISTER POPULI This office appears to have been created almost as early as the consuls. It allowed the Romans in crises to consolidate power until the emergency was over. This did not replace the consuls, but temporarily superseded them. They also had the power to delegate offices such as Magister Equitum. DIXIT
CONFLICT of ORDERS With the nobles/patricians on top of the situation, the common people began to have grievances. A conflict came to head with the people in an organized body. The nobles tended to stick to their ties in Etruria and Latium; the plebs were building connections with Magna Graecia, picking up on ideas of political reform.
CONFLICT of ORDERS Very early conflict between classes led to the creation of the tribunes. Aediles became Plebian officers and assistants to the Tribunes. The patricians power was limited, just the same way as Athenian and Spartan government had developed as ways of limiting individual power.