Tuck Everlasting Vocabulary Chapters 1-5
Tangent – touching a curved surface at one point Oppressive – an intruding; force upon others unasked Meager – thin, lean, poor; not full or rich; inadequate
Accessible – can be easily approached or entered Stationary – not moving; unchanging; fixed Intrusions – causing discomfort
Grimace – a distortion of the face; expressing pain Exasperated – to irritate, anger Jaunty – showing an easy confidence; perky
Marionette – a little jointed doll moved by strings or wires Remnants – what is left over; small quantity of something Galling – a bitter feeling; annoying or humiliating
Consoling – to make feel less sad or disappointed, comfort Interlacing – to lace or weave together Plaintively – expressing sorrow or melancholy; sad