Learning Target: I can give textual evidence to prove My Brother Sam is Dead is a bildungsroman. Do Now: Do you think you have become an adult yet? Explain why or why not in 2-3 sentences
Bildungsroman A bildungsroman is a novel that traces the psychological and moral development and maturation of the main character or characters. Sometimes also referred to as a ‘coming of age’ story. Usually, the protagonist “comes of age”. 2
Plot of Bildungsroman 1) Emotional loss for youth 4) Youth learns, matures 2) Youth leaves home on “journey” 5) Young adult accepts values of society. Society accepts him. 3) Encounters many conflicts 6) Adult returns home with new knowledge to benefit society. External - man vs. society Internal - man vs. himself 3
What coming of age stories do you know? Turn and Talk! With a partner, discuss different examples of coming of age stories that you know! How does the child grow to be an adult? What challenges does he/she face? What personality traits does the main character have?
Let’s think about the text! In what ways is My Brother Sam is Dead a bildungsroman? In your groups, look through chapters 1-7 and find at least four examples that show the book is a coming of age story! Let’s take a look at an example!
My Brother Sam is Dead “Of course Sam was almost a grownup himself. He was sixteen; he'd been away at college for almost a year, so you couldn't really call him a child anymore. I guess that was part of the trouble; he thought he was a grownup, and he didn't want anybody to tell him what to do. Except I could tell that he was still afraid of Father” (Collier and Collier 9). In this example, Sam is old enough not to be a child, but not quite mature enough to be an adult. He still has qualities that show he is similar to a child, but he has been exposed to the horrors of war and this has forced him into the world of adults.
Tim is growing up! In your groups, create a T- Chart of events! Evidence from Text Explanation “Of course Sam was almost a grownup himself. He was sixteen; he'd been away at college for almost a year, so you couldn't really call him a child anymore. I guess that was part of the trouble; he thought he was a grownup, and he didn't want anybody to tell him what to do. Except I could tell that he was still afraid of Father” (Collier and Collier 9). In this example, Sam is old enough not to be a child, but not quite mature enough to be an adult. He still has qualities that show he is similar to a child, but he has been exposed to the horrors of war and this has forced him into the world of adults.
Evidence from Text Explanation “Of course Sam was almost a grownup himself. He was sixteen; he'd been away at college for almost a year, so you couldn't really call him a child anymore. I guess that was part of the trouble; he thought he was a grownup, and he didn't want anybody to tell him what to do. Except I could tell that he was still afraid of Father” (Collier and Collier 9). In this example, Sam is old enough not to be a child, but not quite mature enough to be an adult. He still has qualities that show he is similar to a child, but he has been exposed to the horrors of war and this has forced him into the world of adults.