Still Life (1917) Gini Severini Gini Severini, Still Life (1917). Estorick Foundation.
Charles Edouard Jeannerret (LeCorbusier), Still Life (1920) Le Corbusier, Still Life (1920). MOMA Charles Edouard Jeannerret (LeCorbusier), Still Life (1920)
Fugue (1922) Amédée Ozenfant Amédée Ozenfant, Fugue (1922). Oil on canvas. Honolulu Academy of Arts.
Fernand Léger, The Tugboat (1923) Fernad Léger, The Tugboat (1923). Oil on canvas. Musée National Fernand Léger, Biot
The Siphon (1924) Fernand Léger Fernand Léger, Le Siphon (1924). Oil on canvas. Art Institute of Chicago.
The Compass (1926) Fernand Léger Fernand Léger, The Compass (1926). Art institute of Chicago.
Pablo Picasso, Pipes of Pan (1925) Musée Picasso (Paris) Pablo Picasso and Gerald Murphy La Garoupe Beach, Antibes (July 1923) (Murphy Papers, Beinecke Library, Yale)
Gerald Murphy, Razor (1924). Oil on canvas. Dallas Museum of Art.
Gerald Murphy, Villa America (1924) Murphy, Villa America (1924). Oil and gold leaf on canvas. Curtis Galleries, Minneapolis. Gerald Murphy, Villa America (1924)
Gerald Murphy, Watch (1925). Oil on canvas. Dallas Museum of Art.
Gerald Murphy Doves (1925) Gerald Murphy, Doves (1925). Oil on canvas. Regis Collection.
Gerald Murphy, Library (1926-27). Oil on canvas. SBC Communications. Bibliotèque (1926-1927)
Gerald Murphy Cocktail (1926-1927) Gerald Murphy, Cocktail (1927). Oil on canvas. Whitney Museum.
Gerald Murphy, Wasp and Pear (1929) Museum of Modern Art
Gerald Murphy Program for Within the Quota (1923) Gerald Murphy, Program for Within the Quota (1923). Watercolor, gouache.