One person enterprise in SBS TF SMED
Present SBS requirements on size classes Serie 1B Number of persons employed 0-1, 2-9 for characteristics: Number of enterprises, Turnover, Value added at factor costs, Number of persons employed, Serie 3B Number of persons employed 0-1, 2-9 for characteristics: Number of enterprises, Turnover, Value added at factor costs, Number of persons employed, Additional more detailed breakdowns in Annex IX are made according to number of employees (0, 1-4, 5-9).
SBS requirement on size classes in FRIBS Preliminary annual enterprise statistics broken down by activity and size class by persons employed for variables: Number of enterprises, Turnover, Number of persons employed 0-1, 2-9; for NACE Rev.2 Sections G to J, L to N and P to R and divisions S95 and S96, 0-9 for NACE Rev.2 Sections B to F and K, Annual enterprise statistics broken down by activity and size classes by persons employed for variables: Number of enterprises, Turnover, Production value, Value-added at factor cost, Gross operating surplus, Total purchases of goods and services, Personnel costs, Wages and salaries, Social security costs, Number of persons employed, Number of employees, Number of hours worked by employees 0-1, 2-9 for NACE Rev.2 Sections G to J, L to N and P to R and divisions S95 and S96, 0-9 for NACE Rev.2 Sections B to F and K, Annual demographic statistics broken down by activity and size class by number of employees: 0 (except for 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47 and 48); 1-4; 5-9, Annual demographic statistics broken down by region and size class of number of employees: 0; 1-9.
Owners – persons employed Employees are defined as all persons who, by agreement, work for another resident institutional unit and receive a remuneration. An employer-employee relationship exists when there is an agreement, which may be formal or informal, between an enterprise and a person, normally entered into voluntarily by both parties, whereby the person works for the enterprise in return for remuneration in cash or in kind. Self-employed persons are defined as persons who are the sole owners, or joint owners, of the unincorporated enterprises in which they work, excluding those unincorporated enterprises that are classified as quasi-corporations. Self- employed persons are classified here if they are not also in a paid employment which constitutes their principal activity: in that latter case they are classified under employees. Self-employed persons also include the following categories: unpaid family workers, outworkers and workers engaged in production undertaken entirely for their own final consumption or own capital formation, either individually or collectively.
Doing nothing Status quo before FRIBS: Number of enterprises, Turnover, Value added at factor costs, Number of persons employed. breakdown 0-1 and 2-9 (present series 1B and 3B) without sections P to R and S96.
Short-term solution Annual enterprise statistics broken down by activity and size class by persons employed: Number of enterprises, Turnover, Number of persons employed. 0-1, 2-9; for NACE Rev.2 Sections G to J, L to N and P to R and divisions S95 and S96, 0-9 for NACE Rev.2 Sections B to F and K,
Mid-term solution More variables? In case of 0-1 persons employed – special attention to: Personnel costs, Wages and salaries, Social security costs, Number of employees, Number of hours worked by employees.