Topic Ramadan
Ramadan is an Arabic word and it means extreme heat. Ramadan & its’ meaning
Ramadan Ramadan is the 9th month of the Islamic calendar. Ramadan & Muharram Safar Rabi ul Awal Rabi ul Sani Jamade ul Awal Shaaban Jamade ul Sani Rajab Ramadan Shawaal Zil Qad Zil Haj
Sawm that is observed in Ramadan is one of the five pillars of Islam. & the pillars of Islam
The Quran was revealed in this month. It is a month of blessings, mercy and forgiveness by Allah. The doors of heaven are opened. The doors of hell are closed. The shaytaan is chained up. Sawab is multiplied from 10 to 700 times. There is one night (Laylatul-qadr) that is better than 1000 months. Ramadan & its’ importance
Be kind and generous to others. Offer prayers regularly. Help poor and needy people. Ramadan & its’ dos
Don’t fight. Don’t tell a lie. Don’t steal. Don’t use bad words. Don’t cheat. Don’t tell a lie. Don’t use bad words. Don’t eat/drink if fasting. Ramadan & its’ don’ts
Eid-ul Fitr is celebrated as an Islamic Festival and reward of Ramadan on the 1st of Shawaal. & its’ reward
Ramadan & Dua
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