Purpose The purpose of the LGI review is to review all of the information we have covered this year and what you will be tested on from 6th and 7th grade. You will then have two days to practice the skills needed. This method has been proven to help students understand concepts better
Expectations Enter the LGI quietly Get a note page Sit with your class(you will have an assigned row) Complete the note page Actively participate and answer questions DO NOT TALK!
Be Respectful-Other students are trying to learn If you can not be respectful you will be removed with a referral
Agenda Process Skills-LGI- Hames Earth Space-LGI- Pratt Practice 2 days Earth Space-LGI- Pratt Organisms and Environment-LGI- Q Force and Motion-LGI- Hames/Pratt Chemistry-LGI-Johnson
Grading Each Reporting Category will have 4 daily grades. Notes Homework Day 1 of stations Day 2 of stations The 4 daily grades will get averaged together for a quiz grade The 5 quiz grades will get averaged to a major grade.
Example Processing Skills Grades 100+80+75+70=325/4=81Quiz Grade Earth and Space 90+80+75+90=335/4 = 84 Organisms and Environment 70+50+80+80=280/4=70 Force and Motion 100+65+75+90=330/4=83 Chemistry 85+100+95+100=380/4= 95 Quiz grades averaged to Major Grade 81+84+70+83+95=413/5= 83
Video Clip WbK6kvquyY