Understanding Post-War Tensions
What do you think of when you think of the 20s? Volstead Act fads of the 20s
The Postwar Economic Downturn Factories closed Women and African-Americans lost jobs--given to soldiers Strikes Racial tensions—race riots 1919
crooked cabinet members Political Scandals Warren G. Harding 1921-1923 Corrupt— worst Pres. crooked cabinet members Teapot Dome Scandal—Sec. of Interior Albert Fall leased U.S. Navy’s petroleum reserves to private interests for a bribe
Low pay—long hours led to unsuccessful strikes Unions decline Labor Unrest Low pay—long hours led to unsuccessful strikes Unions decline Organized labor linked to Communism New immigrants from Russia and E. Europe feared as Communists
Communist Party has 2 parts—political action vs. strikes & education Radicals and Bombs Communist Party has 2 parts—political action vs. strikes & education Anarchists try to get message across through bombings Blamed on Communists
p. 629 Geography Skill builder Bell work p. 629 Geography Skill builder
Red Scare “Palmer Raids”—arrest and deport communists Anti-Immigration Laws 1921 Johnson Act-- Limits on S & E. Europe 3% of # living in U.S. in 1910 1924 National Origins Act—2% of 1890 ACLU—represent rights
Sacco and Vanzetti Trial Robbery & murder Anarchists and Italian immigrants Flimsy evidence but no alibis Get the death penalty Victims of gov’t repression and xenophobia (fear of foreigners)
Against Asians, Mexicans, Jews, African-Americans Rising Intolerance Against Asians, Mexicans, Jews, African-Americans New KKK—must be white Protestant to be a “true American” Leads to violence “swift judgment”—race riots, lynchings
Science vs. Religion debate Evolution vs. Creationism Scopes Trial “monkey trial” Scopes taught evolution/ACLU defends Wm. J. Bryan witness for prosecution Clarence Darrow for defense
T W E N T I S Create an acrostic on the twenties with illustrations for each line. (Each line should describe a different aspect of the 20s from the notes)