13.1 Fluid Pressure Pressure- force distributed over an area; Pressure= F/area Pressure in Fluids Water pressure increases as depth increases The pressure of any fluid at specific depth is constant and equal pressure in every direction Fluid pressure determined by type of fluid and depth (volume or weight does not affect pressure!) Air Pressure in Atmosphere Air pressure decreases as altitude increases Atmosphere exerting 1000N of pressure on you!
13.2 Forces & Pressure in Fluids Pascal’s Principle: a change in pressure at any point in a fluid is transmitted equally and unchanged in all directions through fluid Hydraulic Systems Increases output force due to constant fluid pressure exerted over larger area of the output piston http://www.google.com/imgres?q=hydraulic+lift+system+piston&hl=en&biw=1024&bih=692&tbm=isch&tbnid=nBhunNaz9GrRXM:&imgrefurl=http://www.cramster.com/answers-nov-10/physics/hydraulic-lift-designing-hydraulic-lift-automobile-garage_1036604.aspx%3Frec%3D0&docid=NggXiNge0HQo6M&imgurl=http://s3.amazonaws.com/answer-board-image/53a90a44-d431-47ca-94ba-8772efc9500a.jpeg&w=348&h=299&ei=XkI-T6rbAoXqtgfN4NTYBQ&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=245&vpy=296&dur=1377&hovh=208&hovw=242&tx=148&ty=225&sig=105865835399718163433&page=5&tbnh=166&tbnw=193&start=76&ndsp=20&ved=0CL4DEK0DMFc
13.2 Forces & Pressure in Fluids Bernoulli’s Principle: as the speed of fluid increases the pressure within the fluid decreases Airplane wings/ lift Air over top of wing is faster then air passing under Pressure difference causes lift= keep flying Spray bottles Pressure difference from chamber and tube forces solution up tube and mixes with water moving out bottle
13.3 Buoyancy Buoyancy results in the apparent loss of weight of an object in a fluid. Buoyant force- upward force acting against gravity Archimedes’ Principle-buoyant force of an object = weight of the fluid displaced by the object Density and buoyancy- object less dense than liquid floats; object is more dense than liquid it sinks; suspended if object has same density as liquid
13.3 Buoyancy