S.W.A.G SWAG is all about Non Fiction Informational Expository Texts
Getting ready for S. W. A. G time Copy title in Table of Contents Turn to the next page in notebook and write: -Your name in the top left hand corner -The page # (from the TOC) in the upper right hand corner -The day of the week and today’s date on the top line -Skip a line and write the title of article on the top line.
S.W.A.G The S stands for: Scan/Skim the text— 1. Number the paragraphs (on the article printout) 2. Look at the title, subtitles, pictures and graphs. 3. Look for the author and when was it written.
S.W.A.G W stands for : Write down a question that you want answered about the title, subtitles, pictures and graphs. Read the Titles and look at any pictures or diagrams. What were the titles you noticed? What pictures or diagrams did you see? What did they tell you about the reading? When you write a question you are setting a purpose for reading the text.. -What question do you want answer when you have finished reading this text?
WHILE You Read
Read once All the way through without stopping
S.W.A.G A stand for : RE-READING!!!!! Annotating the text/marking the text while you are RE-READING!!!!! CIRCLE Draw symbols Underline STOP and interact or “talk to the text”, in every section of the (not just paragraphs).
S.W.A.G Draw symbols when: CIRCLE repeated words, bolded words, numbers, dates, and unknown words. Draw symbols when: what you read is interesting ! OR you have a QUESTION ? (be sure to remember to come back to the question after you read it to see if you can answer the question) Underline: Information, Key Facts, and Claims and what you feel are IMPORTANT to the text. Underline the facts you needed to figure out a problem, or the main steps the text book is describing. .*** If the reading is in a book, they write key phrases or facts on the lines instead of underlining.***
AFTER You Read
S.W.A.G The G in stands for: GO back to the text and GET to work!
S.W.A.G Go back and Get to work! Write the main idea or purpose of the text Main Idea = (topic + what is said about the topic + why the author wrote the article) TOPIC + What is said about the topic: _______________ + Why the author wrote the article: _________ Example Main Idea: Wolves communicate by howling and using body language which shows they are social animals. (SHARE –one from each group)
HIGHLIGHT your Evidence Find 3 facts/examples in the article that prove/support your Main Idea. On your paper/next the question number record where you found your evidence For example: If you evidence was found in paragraph 3 and sentence 2 then you will write: P3S2 (SHARE –one from each group)
Personal Reaction to article (choose at least 1) to write about in your notebook This article was interesting because… I think…because… This reminds me of….because… It is surprising that…because… Now I understand….because… I still don’t understand…because… I wonder if…because… (SHARE –one from each group)
Summary (in your notebook) Write Summary (in your notebook) In the ________ entitled_______, the author (exposes, shows, tells, informs, expresses persuades, argues) that (main points from Beginning Middle and End). *No details *Your own words (do not copy any phrases from text) (SHARE –one from each group) Go back to the questions you had about the text and look up unknown words in a dictionary/online.