Lesson 3 Usage Describing the past, present and the future.
Nouns El presente means the present. En el presente no tengo obligación de impuestos. In the present I dont have a tax liability. El pasado means the past. En el pasado no pagaba mis impuestos. In the past, I didnt used to pay my taxes. El futuro means the future. En el futuro voy a mantenerme conforme con los reglamentos del IRS. In the future, Im going to stay in compliance with the IRS reguations.
Adjectives used to qualify present past and future. Reciente means recent. En el pasado reciente, compré una casa. In the recent past, I bought a house. Cercano means near or close. En el futuro cercano, voy a comprar un carro. In the near future, Im going to buy a car. Distante means distant. En el pasado distante presenté una declaración In the distant past, I filed a return. En el futuro distante, quiero tener una familia. In the distant future, I want to have a family.