‘Developing Successful Futures Pedagogy in Partnership’ TRALLWNG INFANTS SCHOOL
Pedagogy combines theoretical and practical knowledge and skills with fine judgement about what is required to promote effective learning in particular contexts. It lies at the heart of what it means to be an excellent teacher. Successful Futures Document . Chapter 5 Page 63 Donald Schön: Technical Rationality v Professional Artistry The Reflective Practitioner (1983) The Reflective Practitioner, challenged practitioners to reconsider the role of technical knowledge versus "artistry" in developing professional excellence. The concept most notably affected study of teacher education.
In the beginning………. Federation and Trallwng identified power in capacity. Big Question: What do the 12 Pedagogical Principles and the 4 core purposes look like in our classrooms from Nursery –Year 6? Needs Analysis Professional Knowledge Quality professional development Enquiry based learning Reflective practitioner and dialogue
Professional Development Team Building Games High Input-Knowledge Working collaboratively Reflection
Leadership Development Professional Knowledge Session 1 Workshop 3:30pm-4:30pm Session 2 Session 3 Session 4 Leadership Development Teaching and Learning Curriculum Video analysis Peer coaching Action Research Senior Leaders Mentoring Head of School Staff Learning Sessions Staff Learning sessions Emerging Leaders SLT MER
Enquiry Based Learning Video-Lesson Observation Creating rich tasks Teacher talk pupil talk Questioning Afl
Peer Coach Mentor Co-Coach Self Reflection Video analysis Reflective Practitioner Peer Coach Mentor Co-Coach Self Reflection Video analysis
What Next? To continue to embed, consolidate and refine our practice. To continue to collaborate, reflect upon and share practice Extending our National and International links further. Since the school became a Pioneer school I feel my pedagogical practice has improved beyond measure. I now plan for purposeful context based tasks. I ensure that there is a lot more emphasis on how children learn rather than what they learn and how they can apply this. When analysing and reflecting on my videos I now know what I am looking for in regards to the 12 PP and the theory that underpins it, it’s also forcing me to take more risks. Personally my leadership skills have improved, I am now more confident in talking about my own practice and helping others to develop theirs. Carrie Thomas The whole project has made me rethink my practice and what I am trying to achieve. I am now more focussed on the quality of my provision and my ability to make professional judgements based on what's right for my class and pupils rather than the tick box mentality. Emma Byers