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Presentation transcript:


The Baptism of the Holy Spirit Was a Promise   Matthew 3:11-12 Matthew 3:5-6

Baptism Is an Immersion   Romans 6:4-5 Baptism of Suffering Matthew 20:22 Greek Literature “Baptized in grief” “Baptized in debt” “Baptized with questions” Colossians 2:12 Acts 8:35-39

Christ to Administer Holy Spirit Baptism   Matthew 3:11 John 1:33-34

The Baptism of the Great Commission Is not Holy Spirit Baptism   Matthew 28:19

The Baptism of the Great Commission Is not Holy Spirit Baptism   Some of the Differences: 1. Water baptism is for all nations. Holy Spirit baptism is not. Matthew 28:19; John 14:17 2. Water baptism is a command of God. Holy Spirit baptism is a promise. Matthew 28:19; Acts 10:48; 2:38; 22:16; Acts 1:2-5 3. Water baptism is an act of man. Holy Spirit baptism is an act of God. Acts 2:38; 22:16; 10:48; Acts 1:5

The Baptism of the Great Commission Is not Holy Spirit Baptism   Some of the Differences: 4. Water baptism is administered by men. Holy Spirit baptism is administered by Christ. Matthew 28:19; 1 Corinthians 1:14; Matthew 3:11; John 1:33 5. Water baptism is a condition of salvation. Holy Spirit baptism was to reveal or confirm the word. Mark 16:15-16; 1 Peter 3:20-21; John 16:13; Hebrews 2:3-4

The Baptism of the Great Commission Is not Holy Spirit Baptism   Some of the Differences: 6. Water baptism is “in the name” of Christ. Holy Spirit baptism is in no name at all, since Christ performs it. Acts 2:38; Matthew 3:11 7. Water baptism is an act of faith. Holy Spirit baptism is not. Galatians 3:26-27; Mark 16:15-16; Colossians 2:12; Luke 24:48-49

The Baptism of the Great Commission Is not Holy Spirit Baptism   Some of the Differences: 8. Water baptism has a burial and resurrection. Holy Spirit baptism does not. Romans 6:3-4; Colossians 2:12; Acts 2:1-4 9. Water baptism grows out of repentance. Acts 2:38; 2:1-4

The Baptism of the Great Commission Is not Holy Spirit Baptism   Some of the Differences: 10. Water baptism is for the cleaning of sin. Holy Spirit baptism came to the apostles AFTER they were cleansed. Acts 22:16; Ephesians 5:25-26; John 15:3 11. Water baptism puts one into Christ. Holy Spirit baptism came after the apostles were already in Christ. Romans 6:3-4; Galatians 3:26-27; John 15:1-6; Acts 2:1-4

The Baptism of the Great Commission Is not Holy Spirit Baptism   Some of the Differences: 12. You can obey the Lord’s command to be baptized in water. There is nothing you can do to receive Holy Spirit baptism.