Vocabulary Ch. XVIII
audeo, audere, ausus sum I DAR you! Dare
caput, capitis (n.) Head
coepi I begin
cognosco, cognoscere, cognovi, cognitus to get to know, to find out
consisto, consistere, constiti, constitus to stand firm, stand one’s ground
dea, deae (f.) Goddess
demonstro, demonstrare, demonstravi, demonstratus to point out, show
discedo, discedere, discessi, discessus to depart, leave
fortasse perhaps
frango, frangere, fregi, fractus to break
ibi there
libenter gladly
manus, manus (f.) Hand
miles, militis (m.) soldier
nam for
nemo no one
nox, noctis (f.) night
obsto, obstare, obstiti, obstatus (+DAT) to obstruct, to block the way
pars, partis (f.) part
peto, petere, petivi, petitus to beg for, ask for
postea afterwards
postremo finally, lastly
praesidium, praesidii (n.) protection
pro (+ABL) in front of
quo? where? where to?
recuso, recusare, recusavi, recusatus to refuse
sacer, sacra, sacrum sacred
saevio, saevire, saevivi, saevitus to be in a rage