APA Style
Protection from Plagiarism Purpose Consistency Standardized paper format Structural Details Organization Protection from Plagiarism Giving credit to the authors of the sources used in paper
Structural Details Format Font/Size Times New Roman Size 12 Line / Paragraph Space Double Space Indent each new paragraph 5 spaces Margins One-inch all around Page Headers Insert Header with short title of paper in all caps on top left and page number at the top right of each page Introduction Page: Running head: SHORT TITLE NAME Following Pages: SHORT TITLE NAME only
Organization Paper sections Title Page Abstract Main Body References
Centered and halfway down the page Title Page Include: Sample: Running head: SHORT TITLE OF PAPER Full title of paper Your Name Name of Institution Centered and halfway down the page
Abstract New page after introduction page Type “Abstract” in center of first line no bold, italics, underlining, or quotation marks One paragraph summary of entire paper Sample: Do not indent 150 – 250 words
Main Body Content Sample: Introduction On new page after abstract Supporting paragraphs that relate to thesis statement Conclusion
References Listed alphabetically by the author's last name followed by the publication date, and publication information, in that particular order. Hanging indents are applied to the second line of all references. Formatting is different for each type of item Sample – Formatting Style: Sample – Actual References:
In-text citations Cite work of authors used in paper–shows where information was found Paraphrasing: author’s last name, year of publication Direct Quotes: author’s last name, year of publication, page number or specific location Short Quotation marks Period after citation Long Over 40 words New line Indent 1/2 inch from left margin No quotation marks Citation after period at the end of the quote If no author, use short title of work in quotation marks If no date, use n.d.
Examples of in-text citations Paraphrase Examples: Direct Quote: Short Quote Examples: Long Quote Example:
Plagiarism When in doubt, CITE IT!!! Presenting another’s words as your own without citing. Copying/pasting sources into your papers = PLAGIARISM Paraphrasing - even though placed into your own words, it still must be cited! To avoid plagiarism, cite all information except the following types: Common knowledge Example: Barack Obama is the 44th U.S. President. Your own experiences/ideas/conclusions Generally accepted facts Example: smoking is bad for your health. When in doubt, CITE IT!!!
Important things to remember Refer to APA Manual, Owl at Purdue, and/or handouts to locate the correct citation style Even if you think you may know off the top of your head the exact way to complete an in-text or reference citation, or if you use a citation generator, refer back to the APA rules just in case! Talk to your librarian if you get stumped.