Kapi’olani Community College Art 155 Information Architecture In-class Presentation Week 5A
:: Calendar
:: Today’s Agenda Quick review of Power Point. This week is a work week to work on your client pitch documents in class. One-on-One meetings this week: I want to check in with everyone to provide feedback and answer questions about how you are doing in all of your classes thus far this semester.
:: Lesson Review of Power Point How to use Slide Masters to design your document layout control the both the title screen and the slide screen layouts set the backgrounds set the font How to use simple shapes to design your layout How to insert pictures from Photoshop or Illustrator How to insert quick and easy diagrams
:: Reading Assignment Power Point Tips Read Microsoft’s tips on Power Point Presentations entitled “10 do’s and don’ts” http://www.microsoft.com/smallbusiness/resources/technology/business_software/presenting_with_powerpoint_10_dos_and_donts.mspx Read the first part of Chapter 4 from Usability for the Web on task analysis: Read Pages 96-101 Skim the rest of the chapter
:: Assignment due :: 02.12.07 Client Pitch Document Create a client pitch document in Power Point. Design the look and feel and create all of the content to be included in the pitch. This is a hypothetical document that you would bring to a hypothetical client meeting to win the business of redesigning their web site. Be prepared to present it during an in-class critique. Use Power Point’s notes functionality to prepare what you are going to say during the presentation. The presentation should be less than 10 minutes (5-7 minutes is ideal). USE YOUR DESIGN SKILLS!! Choose a good typeface Design the layout of your presentation Include the following: Primary Goals/Objectives of the redesign A summary of what is currently wrong with their present site include results/scores from the full Forrester Test include site interaction examples of their target users coming to the site A list of new features that will play a major role in the redesign Optional: Include any new technology that will play a major role in the redesign Format: Microsoft Power Point Document Post the Power point document on your class web page before the start of class