2011/12 … what a brilliant year!. Won £8million of contracts to deliver public services, bringing total value of contracts won since 2009 to over £20million.


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Presentation transcript:

2011/12 … what a brilliant year!

Won £8million of contracts to deliver public services, bringing total value of contracts won since 2009 to over £20million

Supported over 600 Stockton residents into jobs giving a total of 1239 over the last three years with nearly 60% being sustained for more than six months

Secured DWP Prime contract to deliver the New Enterprise Allowance Loan Service throughout the North East and Yorkshire

Awarded biggest Children In Need grant in the Tees Valley to increase our VIBE club for young people with special needs to two nights

Delivered our Capacity Builders financial education and support programme to over 1500 people from Berwick to Scarborough and to pre-release clients in HMP Kirklevington

Featured at No.45 in the RBS SE100 Index for Growth (32 in previous year)

Secured sub-contracts to deliver DWP Work Programme and ESF Family Support FamilyWise with our partners Avanta and The Wise Group respectively

341 New Businesses started with Five Lamps support, 499 received start-up loan finance through our NEA loans and a total of 700 businesses were supported

Won Partner of the Year in the 2012 Avanta Awards

Working with the 12 North East Local Authorities we made nearly 250 Helping Hand loans totalling £2million

The Government recognised our work in key documents Social Justice : Transforming Lives and its Social Investment Strategy

Our Financial Inclusion service made nearly loans to financially excluded people throughout the region

We have secured a further £1million of capital for on-lending in the biggest ever single bank funding deal for a personal- lending UK Community Development Finance Institution (CDFI) from Unity Trust Bank

Jodie Hind won Outstanding Volunteer at the NE VCS Awards and Graeme Oram won Outstanding Leadership on a great night where Stockton won the majority of the awards

Featured at No.65 in the 2012 Sunday Times 100 Best Not-For-Profit Organisations to Work For, scoring 3rd for staff feeling they can contribute to our success and 6th for staff being excited about where we are going

Showcased in the NESTA publication 20 Catalytic Investments to Grow the Social Investment Market an exemplar portfolio of investments

Won the Most Enterprising Award at the 2011 Catalyst Awards

Purchased a MyBnK franchise, only the second outside London, to expand the financial inclusion work that we do in schools and with young people from vulnerable and disadvantaged groups

Published our first set of Social Accounts and shortlisted for Impact Champion at the 2011 RBS SE100 Awards

Shortlisted for Company of the Year in the Tees Valley section of the 2012 NE Business Awards

Supported nearly 450 people to achieve qualifications and a further 400 through CSCS tests

Completed a major redesign of our Foundation Learning service to support local young people not in education, employment or training

Stakeholders in two national Regional Growth Fund bids bringing up to £750k of new loan capital for new and early life businesses and more than £120k to support business plan development in Stockton and Hartlepool

Working to issue a prospectus for a Social Investment Bond, to be listed on the Luxemburg MTF Bond Exchange, in late summer 2012 to grow our Helping Hand, Financial Inclusion and Empty Homes activities

Shortlisted for Community Development Finance Association (CDFA) and Centre for Social Justice Awards

Coming up for 10 years of The Youthy with more young people than ever accessing our services, including a new youth club for young people from our local Muslim community

Increased community access at our excellent premises at South Thornaby Community Centre

Over people each year receive Five Lamps support

Thats All!