CAPACITY strategy & MODEL atlantic 2020 PILOT


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Presentation transcript:

CAPACITY strategy & MODEL atlantic 2020 PILOT Steering Committee meeting – TTR 13.04.2018 – Vienna Steerco TTR - PILOT ATL 2020 April 13, 2018

REMINDER : target PROCESS Extract from executive summary agreed by RNE AND FTE IN 2017 Steerco TTR - PILOT ATL 2020 April 13, 2018

REMINDER : PILOTS Pilot lines Phases Phase 1: Capacity partitioning and capacity planning Dec 2017 Dec 2018 Pilote Antwerp – Rotterdam Pilot Munich – Verona Phase 2: Capacity publication and capacity requests Dec 2018 Dec 2019 Phase 3: Running timetable Pilot ATL Mannheim – Miranda de Ebro Dec 2019 Dec 2020

Capacity STRATEGY EXAMPLE FOR SPANISH SECTION OF THE PILOT LINE (All three IM have the same structure) Each IM provided a proposal of capacity strategy for the different national sections of the Pilot ATL line Convergent model and content Example of content provided by ADIF Temporary Capacity Restrictions Maintenance will be done during the normal reserved maintenance windows. Section between Irún and Miranda is double track so there is no total closure at any moment for maintenance. Extraordinary track works are foreseen for TT-2020 between Irún and San Sebastián. Details are not yet known but night total closure could be possible during long periods. Traffic flows Traffic flows must be considered and prioritized regarding their fees contribution and their strategic importance, as far as in line with the respective national law. An adequate amount of capacity can be safeguarded from the Annual TT for later capacity needs like ad hoc traffic. National rules must be respected for the allocation process during the TTR pilot. Eg. Requests placed after the Annual TT deadline must follow the rule “first come – first served”. A capacity model must be shaped in advance, starting from real traffic observation, Market considerations, and RU early announcements, to define a balanced solution for all needs, taking in consideration the above TCR policy. Long distance traffics must be safeguarded due to the complexity of finding suitable solutions. Public service obligations must be safeguarded. Commuter traffic must be safeguarded, particularly during the peak hours. Specific studies are done in advance to prepare and announce solutions for traffic during major closures. Steerco TTR - PILOT ATL 2020 April 13, 2018

CAPACITY model – overview DEFINITION After discussions (RU/IM) in the pilot working team, and exchanges with the two other pilots, 5 items have been considered as necessary to define a capacity model, to be in line with a capacity strategy. The content of the items is now under tuning for 2020 TT, starting with an axis before combining axis to build a network structure, Observed traffic data section by section for a normal day Regular-interval timetable Freight traffic matrix including capacity bandwidths 24-hour view of the model (bandwidths and TCRs) Commercial offer underlying capacity bandwidths for dynamic traffic (basis for capacity partitioning) 1 4 3 Steerco TTR - PILOT ATL 2020 April 13, 2018


CAPACITY model (2) Regular interval timetables (from international TO regional interactions) Steerco TTR - PILOT ATL 2020 April 13, 2018

CAPACITY model (2) Freight traffic matrix Steerco TTR - PILOT ATL 2020 April 13, 2018

CAPACITY model (3) 24-HOUR GRAPHIC VIEW (TCR and FREIGHT CAPACITY bandwidths) Steerco TTR - PILOT ATL 2020 April 13, 2018

Capacity MODEL (5) COMMERCIAL OFFER UNDERLYING CAPACITY BANDWIDTHS – EXAMPLE FOR LONG-DISTANCE INTERNATIONAL TRAFFIC A commercial RP offer is safeguarded in the pilot capacity model, open exclusively to freight path requests having origin or destination East of LEROUVILLE on one side and South of MORCENX on the other side. The offer is the following : Capacity for 2 trains MA100 TRAX 1800t Departure Mannheim for Hendaye, arrival between 1:00 et 4:00 from Mo to Fr on 48* weeks with a guaranteed transit time of 24 hours. Capacity for 2 trains MA100 TRAX 1800t Departure Mannheim for Hendaye between 13:00 et 16:00 from Mo to Fr on 48* weeks with a guaranteed transit time of 21 hours. Capacity for 2 trains MA100 TRAX 1800t Departure Hendaye for Mannheim between 1:00 et 3:00 from Mo to Fr on 48* weeks with a guaranteed transit time of 21 hours. Capacity for 2 trains MA100 TRAX 1800t Departure Hendaye for Mannheim between 16:00 et 20:00 from Mo to Fr on 48* weeks with a guaranteed transit time of 21 hours. The potential four yearly weeks (*) with exemption (linked to TCR) of this offer will be defined and communicated in April 2018. Rolling Planning and Capacity bandwitdhs : both concepts must not be confused! Some capacity bandwidths may be used within the traditional yearly process (as a commercial offer replacing PaPs or national preconstructed paths) and some may be used within the RP process (see example above). Steerco TTR - PILOT ATL 2020 April 13, 2018

IT SUPPORT NEED FOR IT TOOL STEERING DISPLAY AND DECISION-MAKING Content IT tool gathering as projects all : Path data capacity bandwidth (ATT and RP offered and/or already sold for multiannual periods) data TCR data. Coordination process The international coordination process should be top-down oriented : global axis harmonization then only bilateral harmonization between IMs. A common deadline must be defined to provide data in order to feed coordination exchanges IM/IM and IM/RU. Need for a leading entity to steer the process An escalation process (not yet described in the current draft version of the TCR Guidelines) must be set up with a decision-making structure Conclusions of the coordination must be published Steerco TTR - PILOT ATL 2020 April 13, 2018

OUTPUTS A COMMON DATABASE ON WHICH STAKEHOLDERS CAN PLACE QUERIES Roles of the IT-tool to be developed Display of the capacity model Feeding the national TT construction IT-tools with the different capacity objects Management of the availability of the (national and international) capacity bandwidths day after day (counting functionality) Steerco TTR - PILOT ATL 2020 April 13, 2018

Operating procedures EACH IM SHOULD IMPLEMENT NEW PRACTICES TO MANAGE THE CAPACITY MODEL A sensitive issue : how can IMs represent and manage capacity bandwidths to guarantee along the capacity process the commercial offer defined? The safeguarded capacity is guaranteed through reference paths in IMs’ internal tools. The timetable planners must take care that these reference paths remain overlapped with capacity bandwidths. Steerco TTR - PILOT ATL 2020 April 13, 2018

risks THE PROPOSED APPROACH IS SUBJECT TO RISKS Identified issues No data Too many data No willingness from IMs to change their practices to go beyond national optimum when planning commercial traffic and TCR Late changes of coordinated TCRs Network effect uncontrolled Steerco TTR - PILOT ATL 2020 April 13, 2018