You have completed journeys 1 and 2 of the Year 3 Reading Challenge London to Cardiff I have read a newspaper article. Home I have read a poem. Journey 2: Cardiff to Belfast I have read a non-fiction book about a subject I am interested in Cardiff, Wales I have read a different book by Dick King-Smith CONGRATULATIONS! You have completed journeys 1 and 2 of the Year 3 Reading Challenge I have written a book recommendation. Belfast, Northern Ireland
You have completed journeys 3 and 4 of the Year 3 Reading Challenge Belfast to Dublin I have read a picture book Belfast I have read a book from the year 3 recommended reading list Journey 4: Dublin to Edinburgh I have read a book by an author with a surname beginning with ‘S’ Dublin, Ireland I have read a book about the Romans CONGRATULATIONS! You have completed journeys 3 and 4 of the Year 3 Reading Challenge I have learnt a poem off by heart and recited it to the class Edinburgh, Scotland