Lesson 4 Grammar Reflexive Verbs What people do to themselves.


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Presentation transcript:

Lesson 4 Grammar Reflexive Verbs What people do to themselves.

Reflexive verbs are indicated in the book by a –se at the end of the verb. Acostarse Bañarse Cepillarse Despertarse Ducharse Lavarse Levantarse Peinarse Secarse Vestirse Afeitarse Ponerse

The pronouns that we use to indicate self are: Me myselfNos ourselves Te yourselfOs yallselves Se himself herself thyself Se themselves thyselves

With reflexive verbs, the same person who does the action receives it also. That is why we need an extra pronoun. Yo me despierto. I wake up myself. I am doing the action. To myself. Tú te picas la nariz. You pick the nose for yourself. You are doing the action. To yourself.

Continued Tucker se afeita la espalda. Tucker shaves the back for himself. He is doing the action. For himself. Nosotros nos lavamos las manos. We wash the hands to ourselves We do the action. To ourselves.

Continued Vosotros os peináis. Yall comb yourselves. Yall do the action. To yourselves. Ellos se cepillan los dientes. They brush the teeth for themselves. They are doing the action. To themselves.

When we use and verb and an infinitive (two verbs in a row) we can put the pronoun before the first verb, or on the end of the infinitive. Yo voy a lavarme las manos. Yo me voy a lavar las manos. Ellos quieren bañarse. Ellos se quieren bañar. Tú necesitas cepillarte los dientes. Tú te necesitas cepillar los dientes.