ASL 2 Today- Reminder: Sub today and tomorrow Be on your best behavior so no extra written work is needed (no other practice sub day is needed) Music- if you are quiet and focused, yes- if you are not, no- if the sub says to put it away, do so or it will be collected. Welcome! Get a Master ASL! book per 2 people and be ready in your signing teams- shh! 15-20 minute (signing activities): Pg. 367- Read ASL up close, then do the Classroom Exercise. Sign in complete sentences with your signing team. Pg. 115- can you sign these sentences together? Page 18- sign Classroom Exercise L together. You may also learn signs from pp.2, 38, and p.72 (you may sign with your team learning these together). Remember, shhh!!! If you are done signing, then on pg. 91, Part 2, please write sentences #1-12 in ASL gloss- individual work-due by end of period (if your team is signing above work, that is fine- if you are not signing, the sub will note that your gloss is due to me).
Learning Debate Vocabulary: Next: Practice Debate signs from YouTube channel (10-15 minutes). 1. Copy the signs once (look for Debate video under ASL 2 playlist: 2. Take a practice quiz! Ready? Quiz is on my faculty page under ASL 2 Lesson Plans ( at : 3. Review signs again, and take quiz again- did you do better?