The Review Result on the 3rd Gakhoh Tosho Math Book Fadjar Shadiq, M.App.Sc FJR: TextBook
Personal Identity Name: Fadjar Shadiq, M.App.Sc Place and Date of Birth: Sumenep, 20-4-55 Education: Unesa (Surabaya Teachers Colleage) and Curtin University of Technology, Perth, WA Teaching Experience: SHS Mathematics Teacher. Instructor and Teacher Trainer (0274)880762; 08156896973 & FJR: TextBook
The Four Important Questions: “How to Help Our Students to Learn Mathematics: Meaningfully easily? joyfully? to use their heads (think)? to be an independent learner?” FJR: TextBook
The Q1 Answer Yes the book give opportunity to learn Mathematics meaningfully easily. p.35. Division start with 2 x -- = 18 p.21. There 12 choc in each box. There are 4 boxes. How many choc are there altogether. p.10. Number Generalization FJR: TextBook
The Q2 Answer Yes the book give opportunity to learn Mathematics joyfully. Colourful Relate to real life situation FJR: TextBook
Yes the book give opportunity to learn to think and explore. The Q3 Answer Yes the book give opportunity to learn to think and explore. p.11. Using Question: “How much larger is the answer to 7x6 than the answer to 7x5?” p.18. Practice number 4. p.19. Test Yourself number 3. FJR: TextBook
Yes the book give opportunity to students to be independent learners. The Q4 Answer Yes the book give opportunity to students to be independent learners. p.126. How many are there? FJR: TextBook
Activity for Students Start with problem. Challenge Review Mental Calculations Enrichment problems. FJR: TextBook
Help students ‘how to learn’. Conclusions Help students to learn math meaningfully and joyfully. Help them to learn to think and explore and to be independent learners. Teaching students who can do the same things without teachers help at the next time. Help students ‘how to learn’. FJR: TextBook
The End Thank You Very Much FJR: TextBook