Lesson 4 Usage Numbers 100-1,000 and beyond
We have learned the numbers from Cien means one hundred even. When we add to it, it becomes ciento. Cien100 Ciento uno101 Ciento treinta y cuatro134 Ciento ochenta y uno181
Two hundred, three hundred, etc. are each expressed by one word. Watch for spelling irregularities. Doscientos200 Trescientos300 Cuatrocientos400 Quinientos500 Seiscientos600 Setecientos700 Ochocientos800 Novecientos900
To say thousand we use the word mil. The number before mil indicates the number of thousands. Diez mil10,000 When mil is by itself, it means one thousand. Tengo mil dólares. I have $1,000. Now we can just add numbers before and after. Veinte y cinco mil trescientos veinte. 25, 320