Example for your presentation In this file you will present your concept, your innovation, what you can bring to the market, the economic model, the target and what you think is relevant for the potential of your company and your product / service. The selection criteria are the following: - Originality : show how innovative is your project and why it is better than the others; - Relevance: explain the relevance of your project in regards to the topic ; - Feasibility: explain the technical and economical feasibility of your project; - Scalability : show how you can absorb an extreme growth shock. If you are selected, you will pitch your company in the SPRING Pitch Contest in front of the thematic jury* and the public of SPRING. *investors, industrials, technology experts
Present your legitimacy, problem- solving, reference context, role of new concepts, means available.
Present your innovation, the added value for the customers, impact on usage. Indicate your protections, primary obstacles, advantages and elements of differentiation.
Illustrations of product or services (diagrams, photos, screenshots…) * If you apply for the Villages Innovation, please upload pictures of the items you wish to display at the event. Illustrations of product or services (diagrams, photos, screenshots…)
Determine the size and segment of the targeted markets? Who are your clients? Key needs, sub-needs, demands, existing solutions? Present the market potential.
Present direct competition, indirect, existing, foreseeable competitors’ advantages
Indicate your income model, revenue realization, sales methods. Your commercial references, clients.
Indicate the development stages, achieved and to planned (planning). Development objectives.
Certifications, labels, prices… Indicate your partnerships and future ones, technological, commercial, support. Certifications, labels, prices…
Present the management team (photo, age, position in the company, training, experience...)
* Fill in only if you apply for the pitch contest 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Sales Gross operating surplus Net profit WCR Cash flow generated Effective Indicate the post-money forecast figures
How much have you raised? Describe the use of funds, distribution expenses, financing steps, duration, number of rounds ... and your expectations towards investors. Financial structure (present the shareholding, part of the founders ... did the company receive financial aid, which ones?) * Fill in only if you apply for the pitch contest
Contact details of the headquarters Webpage Links to videos… Appendices
of minimis aid received SWORN STATEMENT of minimis aid received I, the undersigned, …………………………………………………. (name/surname), legal representative in my capacity as …………………………………………………………………….… of the company/association …………………………………………………… swear that the list below includes all the public aid received or requested: in application of Regulation (EC) No 1998/2006 of December 15, 2006 on de minimis aid, for the last two tax years and the current tax year: companies are reminded that the national list of aid mechanisms for companies covered under the de minimis regulation is available on the DATAR website