Bell Ringer- Tuesday
Section 1 The empire of the Ottoman Turks had been getting slowly weaker since the end of the 18th century. In 1876 a Sultan named Abdulhamid II ruled by authoritarian means. Following World War I, Great Britain helped drive the Ottoman Empire out of Arabia.
The Ottoman Turks alienated the Allies with their policies toward minority subjects, such as the Armenians. The Armenians had wanted independence from the Ottoman Empire for a long time. By September 1915, 1 million Armenians were dead as a result of genocide.
At the end of World War I, the Ottoman Empire collapsed. Colonel Mustafa Kemal called for the creation of a new Republic of Turkey. President Kemal was now known as Ataturk.
Bell Ringer Wednesday
He installed a democracy, but did not tolerate opposition. He took many steps to modernize the country, including the economy, with 5 year plans. His most significant change was to break the power of the Islamic Religion.
Women received the right to vote, and everyone could choose their religion. Modernization was also underway in Persia. From 1795 to 1925, the Quajar Dynasty had trouble at home and needed help from the outside.
Oil exports increased rapidly, but most profits went to British investors. Growing foreign presence led to the rise of a Native Persian Nationalist movement. Following a military mutiny, Reza Shah Pahlavi created a new dynasty.
Persia became the modern state of Iran in 1935. In order to protect themselves, the Shah made allies with Nazi Germany. Arabs were not a nation, but shared language, culture, and religion. Many believed the British would support the Arab Nationalists.
Bell ringer- Thursday
Following World War I, the League of Nations granted League members the right to govern certain areas. Great Britain was assigned Iraq, Palestine, and Jordan. European countries decided the borders and divided the people.
Arab Nationalism still remained. Ibn Saud (named Saudi Arabia) united Arabs in the northern part of the Arabian peninsula. Palestine had been the home of Jews in antiquity, but now was 80% Muslim Arabs.
Jews recalled that the ancient state of Israel had been located there, also Arabs also had a case. As a result of anti-Semitism, Jews began to move to Palestine. The British, hoping to win support from the Jews, issued the Balfour Declaration, which supported Palestine as a home for Jews.
Black Africans had fought in World War I in British and French armies. Section 2 Black Africans had fought in World War I in British and French armies. Many hoped this would lead to independence. Germany was stripped of its African colonies, but Great Britain and France remained in charge.
Following World War I, Africans learned about new ideas of freedom and Nationalism, and sought reforms. Colonial powers typically responded to calls for reform with force. By the 1930s, African leaders wanted independence, not reform.
Jomo Kenyatta of Kenya said that British rule was destroying traditional culture of the people of Africa. Nnamdi Azikiwe of Nigeria urged nonviolence as a method to gain independence. Independence would not come until after World War I.
Mohandas Gandhi became active in the movement of Indian self rule before WWI Gandhi protested British laws by using Civil Disobedience. In 1935, Great Britain passed the Government of India Act, giving them more rights in government.
During the first 2 decades of the 20th century, Japan developed like a western country. Japanese economy was concentrated in a single enterprise called the Zaibatsu. These Zaibatsu controlled much of the economy and lead to growing concentration of wealth.
This lead to economic inequality, and soon lead to problems. This lead to a rejection of the western countries. In times of trouble finding raw materials, Japan looked to seize other territories.
The US was worried about Japanese expansion. In 1922, the US held the Washington conference. Throughout the 1920s, Japan continued to follow the rules of the Washington Conference, this was not popular.
At the end of the 1920s, new problems lead to the emergence of a militaristic Japanese state. During the 1930s, civilians formed extremist patriotic organizations, such as the Black Dragon Society. Japanese culture was purged of most western ideas and many wanted to go back to traditional Japanese values.
Before WWI, Asian society saw no need for Marxist doctrine. Following the Revolution of Russia in 1917 this all changed. In 1920, Lenin of Russia spread the word of Communism with the Communist International (AKA Comintern).
The strongest Communist Nationalist alliance was formed in China. Most communist parties had little success in the 1930s.
Section 3 In 1921 a group of young radicals from Beijing University formed the Chinese Communist party in Shang Hai. The Communist party joined the Nationalist party. The 2 formed and alliance to drive out the Imperialists in China.
The Alliance ended in April 1927, when the Nationalists killed thousands in what is known as the Shang Hai Massacre. A new communist leader named Mao Zedong challenged nationalist leader Chiang Kai-Shek, and once again tried to rid China of the communists. Known as the Long March, Zedong lead his army 6 thousand miles to the last communist base.
Chiang Kai-Shek made plans to transition China into a constitutional government. Most of China was still hurting from years of Civil War. Even with all of these problems, Chiang Kai-Shek achieved some success.
This includes road building and repair of much of the country’s railroad system. Not all things worked, as shown by his land reform program. Chaing also suppressed all opposition and free expression.