Establishing a KETNET Branch 2012-2013 Establishing a KETNET Branch
1. Purpose. The principal purpose of the __________ branch shall be to pursue the best interests of teachers of English in the __________ region, in cooperation with KETNET and its other branches.
2. Relationship to KETNET 2. Relationship to KETNET. The branch shall conduct its affairs in a manner that conforms to the provisions of KETNET’s Constitution and shall comply with any requirements that KETNET’s General Assembly or Executive Committee issues.
3. Geographic boundaries 3. Geographic boundaries. The geographic boundaries of the __________ branch shall be identical to the boundaries of the __________ region.
4. Membership. A. Membership in the branch shall be limited to those individuals who reside in the __________ region and who are current members of KETNET. Individuals who are not members of KETNET shall be welcome to attend the branch’s meetings, but cannot vote on any matters that require the casting of votes, such as the election of the branch’s officers. B. Until May 31, 2012, all teachers of English in the __________ region, as well as students who are 18 years of age or older and aspire to become teachers of English, shall be considered members of the branch and shall be entitled to cast votes for the branch’s officers. Beginning on June 1, 2012, only those individuals who are current members of KETNET shall be entitled to cast votes for the election of the branch’s officers. C. No member of the __________ branch can also be a member of another branch.
5. Branch officers. A. The branch shall have as its officers a President, a Vice President, and a Secretary-Treasurer. B. The President shall preside at all meetings of the branch and have general responsibility for conducting the branch’s affairs, including the scheduling of any special meetings of the branch that he or she considers necessary. The Vice President shall assist the President, when requested, with the execution of his or her responsibilities, and shall assume the responsibilities of the President whenever that individual is unable to perform them because of illness, accident, absence from the region, or other reasons. If for any reason the President is unable to complete his or her term of office, the Vice President shall replace the President and complete the remainder of the President’s term. The Secretary-Treasurer shall keep the minutes of all branch meetings and distribute them by email to all members of the branch and to the President and Secretary of KETNET, along with an announcement about the time, date, and location of the branch’s next regular meeting, approximately one week before the meeting is held. The Secretary-Treasurer shall maintain a record of the minutes of all branch meetings which shall be kept in a notebook and upon the completion of his or her term of office, given to the new Secretary-Treasurer. The Secretary-Treasurer shall also maintain a record of any financial transactions by the branch.
6. Election of officers. A. The above officers shall be elected for a one year term at the first meeting of the branch that follows the approval of this Charter by the branch’s membership and by KETNET’s Executive Committee. B. The officers of the __________ branch shall be eligible to serve an additional one year term, if re-elected at a meeting in which at least ten members are present at the time of the vote. C. Should either the Vice President or the Secretary-Treasurer become incapable or unwilling to complete his or her term of office, an election shall be held at the next meeting of the branch to choose a replacement for that individual.
7. Branch meetings. At the time the branch is organized, its members shall decide on what day of each month the branch will hold its regular meetings, the exact time of the day or evening when those meetings will ordinarily begin and, if possible, the location where they will be held. Once these decisions are made, they shall be communicated by email to the President of KETNET. The President of the branch or, in his or her absence, the Vice President shall have the authority to schedule additional meetings of the branch when considered necessary or to reschedule any meeting that would occur on a holiday. At the beginning of each meeting of the branch, minutes of the proceedings of the branch’s previous meeting shall either be approved, as presently worded, by a majority vote of all members in attendance, or revised, as necessary, and approved by a majority vote of all members in attendance. All decisions of importance at a branch meeting must be decided by a vote and recorded in the minutes of that meeting.
8. Executive Committee representation. A 8. Executive Committee representation. A. Following the approval of this Charter by KETNET’s Executive Committee, the branch shall be entitled to elect one of its members to represent its interests as a member of KETNET’s Executive Committee. Membership on KETNET’s Executive Committee shall be for a period of one year, which can be renewed one time by electing that individual to serve an additional term of one year. B. The branch’s representative on KETNET’s Executive Committee can either be its President or any other member of the branch that its members elect. C. The branch’s representative on KETNET’s Executive Committee shall be responsible for regularly informing the Executive Committee of the activities and events that occur at the branch’s meetings. Similarly, the branch’s representative on KETNET’s Executive Committee shall regularly inform the members of the branch about the actions and activities of the Executive Committee. D. In the event that the branch’s representative is unable to attend a meeting of KETNET’s Executive Committee, neither the representative nor the branch’s officers can chose someone to substitute for him or her. E. In accordance with KETNET’s Constitution, any member of KETNET’s Executive Committee who fails to attend three consecutive Committee meetings shall immediately lose his or her right to serve on the Committee. In the event that the branch’s representative on the Committee loses his or her right to serve on the Committee for this reason, the branch shall elect, at its earliest opportunity, another of its members to represent it on KETNET’s Executive Committee.
9. Financial matters. It is understood that KETNET will not be responsible for appropriating or raising any funds needed by the branch, nor will it be responsible for the payment of any debts created by the branch. However, the branch shall be free to raise, on its own, any funds or other assistance that it needs to pursue its activities.
10. Termination of relationship. It is understood that KETNET’s Executive Committee can act to sever KETNET’s relationship with the __________ branch if the Committee determines that the branch is not in compliance with the provisions of KETNET’s Constitution or is not in compliance with any requirements issued by KETNET’s General Assembly or Executive Committee.
11. Charter approval. This Charter shall become effective after its approval at an organizational meeting of the branch and on the date of its approval by the Executive Committee of KETNET. Approval of the Charter by the branch shall require an affirmative vote by at least 75% of all the members attending a branch meeting at which at least 10 members are present at the time of the vote.