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Books Model Engineering for Simulation, Zhang, L., Zeigler, B., Laili, Y., 2018.. Elsevier. (Companion volume to this one) Systems of Systems—Innovations for the 21st Century, Edited by Mo Jamshidi, Wiley, 2008. Object Oriented Simulation with Hierarchical, Modular Models: Intelligent Agents and Endomorphic Agents, by Bernard P. Zeigler, Academic Press, Orlando, 1990. Multifaceted Modeling and Discrete Event Simulation, by Bernard P. Zeigler, Academic Press, London, 1984. Theory of Modeling and Simulation: Integrating Discrete Event and Continuous Complex Dynamic Systems, by Bernard P. Zeigler, Herbert Praehofer, and Tag Gon Kim, 2nd Edition, By, Academic Press, NY, 2000. Modeling and Simulation-Based Data Engineering: Introducing Pragmatics into Ontologies for Net-Centric Information Exchange, by Bernard P. Zeigler and Phillip E. Hammonds, Academic Press, NY, 2007. Discrete Event Modeling and Simulation Technologies: A Tapestry of Systems and AI-Based Theories and Methodologies, Editors: Hessam S. Sarjoughian and François E. Cellier Springer-Verlag Publishers, 2001. Discrete-Event Modeling and Simulation: A Practitioner’s Approach (Computational Analysis, Synthesis, and Design of Dynamic Systems) by Gabriel A. Wainer, CRC Press, 2009. Discrete-Event Modeling and Simulation: Theory and Applications (Computational Analysis, Synthesis, and Design of Dynamic Systems), Editors: Gabriel A. Wainer, Pieter J. Mosterman, CRC Press, 2010. Building Simulation Software: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications, by James Nutaro, Wiley Publishers, NY, 2010. DEVS Net-Centric System of Systems Engineering with DEVS Unified Process. CRC-Taylor & Francis Series on System of Systems Engineering, by Saurabh Mittal and José L. Risco- Martín (to appear). Agent-Directed Simulation and Systems Engineering Editors: Levent Yilmaz and Tuncer Ören, Wiley, 2009. Value-based Learning Healthcare Systems: Integrative Modeling and Simulation Architecture, B.P. Zeigler, Mamadou Taba Traore, G. Zacharawizca, and Raphael Dubois, IET publishers 2018