Practical Skills for Work and Study Use of English ~ HKASL Interview Articles Practical Skills for Work and Study Use of English ~ HKASL
Introduction Today, you will learn about… The production of a character portrait through an interview Transforming pieces of materials into a written genre The format of an interview article [with reference to a sample]
Content and Organization In the form of a dialogue or newspaper article Usually written when that particular person is in the news Start the article with the latest news about the interviewee, or something important that he/she has said Provide an outline of his/her life and career Include the interviewee’s comments about the important events in his/her life
Content and Organization At the end: interviewee’s hobbies and interests Include both direct and reported speech If the interviewee says something important, use direct speech. If you use reported speech, make sure the information is accurate. Sample: Interviews_Maggie Makes the Grade.doc
Language An interview in the form of an article: use direct speech and reported speech Direct Speech Exact wording of the speaker: “I think I have entered another stage of my career,” she said. Writing an interview as a dialogue: no need for speech marks
Language Reported Speech Remarks made by the speaker without using the exact words: “She said that she thought she had entered another stage of career.” Use your own words to report what someone has said.
Language When we report a statement, we usually change the present tenses to past tenses. Examples: “I need to go to the doctor,” said Tim. Tim said he needed to go to the doctor. “I’m going out,” said May. May said she was going out.” “I lived in Canada for two years,” said John. John said he had lived in Canada for two years. “I’ve passed the exam,” said Amy. Amy said she had passed the exam.
Language The modal verbs “must”, “should”, “ought”, “might” and “could” do not change in reported speech Something still true when reported, it is not necessary to the change the present tense to the past When we report a question, we change tenses in the same way as in reported statements. No question word in the direct speech, we use “if” or “whether”. If a question word is used in the speech, repeat it in the reported question.
Language If a question word is used in the speech, repeat it in the reported question Samples “Are you going out?” asked Mr. Kwok. Mr. Kwok asked if / whether I was going out. “When are you leaving?” asked Ms. Lo. Ms. Lo asked when I was leaving. Grammar: ..\S6 & 7 Grammar\Handouts\Reported Speech\Reported (Indirect) Speech.doc
Language To report an interviewee’s opinions: use the verbs “think”, “believe” and “feel”. [also use “according to” Magazine interviews usually contain biographical details Try to say something about the interviewee’s hobbies and interests, in simple present tense
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