Monday, September 18th Get ready to present your Hello, My Name is…today! Smile and talk loud and clear! Fill in your agenda with: Hello, My Name is…presentations CNN 10 (if time)
Tuesday, September 19th Take the following paper from the front table: Bisaro Times: Current Event ( pgs. 14, 15) I will be introducing your current event assignment today Finish presenting All About You projects. Finish completing Textbook Scavenger Hunt Today. Fill in Agenda with: All About You Presentations Textbook Scavenger Hunt Bisaro Times Current Events
Wednesday, September 20th Add the following paper to your binder World Map (pg. 16) We will be working on labeling and coloring the map. Answering the questions on the back of the map. I will explain what to do shortly Add the following vocabulary words to your binder (give your best definition, because these aren’t in the book) 1. Latitude 2. Longitude 3. Degree 4. Scale 5. Key Fill in your agenda with: World Map Labeling and questions Explain Bisaro Times (Current Events) CNN Student News (if time)
Thursday, September 21st Take a copy of the paper from the front table Different Types of Maps (pg. 17) We will be concluding our mapping of the Earth today and also going over our world maps from yesterday so make sure it is completed. Add the following Bellringer to your binder (#3): Why do certain locations, especially those near the poles, appear larger on certain maps than they should? Fill in your Agenda with: Types of Maps PP Different Types of Maps worksheet CNN 10 (if time)
Friday, September 22nd Today we will be going out to the football field to do an exercise about history and how it evolved. Fill in your agenda with: Timeline Activity